Sunday, August 30, 2009


So then... I was up in the mountians camping this past weekend. And last weekend, and the weekend before. Also I will be camping next weekend. I must say it was nice and cool up there. It is odd to live in a place where you can be in the mountains and it can be hailing. Then you drive 20 minutes and you are in the basin and it is atleast 80 degrees and sunny.

But I have completed my woodbadge course and in between hit up an ordeal weekend. Next weekend will be backpacking with Stella in the Gila wilderness. We are going to see about finding one of the hotsprings out there. Now, i've seen some stuffs about backpacking in kilts, so I might attempt to try that out. Seeing as how i own one.

Also it would seem that REI is having a sale, so I am looking at getting a water purifer. Seeing as how i have not one of those. And we need to see about a new pad for Stella.

Lastly I think it is time to post some pictures!