Wednesday, October 31, 2007

hmm, they have the Internet on computers now...

So a little update, watch this here video. Around 51 seconds or so, you can then see number 72, which would be the boy.

No TV and no beer make Homer something something

Happy Halloween

So It is Halloween now. I hope that you all are going to enjoy it and such. I got out of class early and am still working on what the plan is for tonight. Also this is the last day of October, and i think that while the Skip tried I managed to pull out and have the most posts this month. Anyhow... It is time to be heading out, I might go ahead and post later, we'll see what is up.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Listen, you big, stupid space-creature. Nobody, but nobody, eats the Simpsons!

Welcome back!
So I am currently in Ohio for some training. We flew in yesterday and had an interesting dinner at Vietnamese place. I don't really know what they called what I had. It was some sort of a chicken dish. And then the lady put on a dvd of a chinese dance competion and told us much about oriental culture. And so it was an interesting night. Oh, and we got a dvd about china. It was odd.
Any how, we got into our place out here. Seems there is a good number from my squadron here. And today was my first day of class. All is well, looks like my weekends are getting lined up. Which is pretty cool.
And tonight was movie people, with a bunch of hokies it would seem. Any how, gotta meet people right? So I suppose there will be more posts tomorrow or at some point. I must do some studying! Oh no!! But I should be getting my badge at the end of this.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

That fool McGuckett sprayed runway foam all over Chuck Yeager's Acura!

Behold! Flightless birds, as per a skip request. Also a note in football, WVU won! YAY!! The other schools that we care about, at least someone, well, one didn't do so well and the other is looking like they are not doing so well.
I must finish laundry and packing, so I will probably not post till I'm in Ohio. So you can look forward to that.

To fly: the dream of man and flightless bird alike

So today I went to the Air Show and had to work. Lady's and Gentlemen, I give you spaceship one!
For those of you who read about the X prize cup and all might find this to be familiar. This odd looking thing does go up in space. It will be what Virgin Galactic will be based on. Speaking of which if someone wishes to book me on a trip on it, I will post pictures on here.
I saw some various X prize attempts today. I think they were for a moon based vechile. The attempt I remember called for the vechile to go up 50 meters, over 50 meters and be able to stay up for 90 seconds. Armadillo Aerospace came very close on one attempt that I watched. I would post a photo, but due to the distance we had to be and the fact I didn't have my zoom lens on the camera I don't really have any photos worth posting. However for your consideration I will post this here picture of a F-22.
Being an air show there was more then just space stuff. This is what I will be seeing in the air around here soon. It would seem that these are going to start being rotated in. Currently I get to watch F-117s and German Tornado's fly about.
I did see plenty of the German Air Force around which was cool. Also I got saluted a lot today. I blame this on being on main base in uniform. Usually I'm up at the Test Group and this sort of thing doesn't happen. But oh well.
I would be talking about football outcomes here, but seeing as how one team is not done yet I'll have to have a different time to discuss this.
So now it is time to look into packing and dinner and getting myself and the apartment ready for travel. So I hope all goes well. Also I have noticed something about all this blogging. The Skip and I are very close in the number of posts we have up, and I do my best to leave at least on comment on each of her posts and I tend to about the same from her. The boy on the other hand seems to wait on his posts until a number of comments have built up.

Friday, October 26, 2007

It tastes like burning!

Greetings Blog Fans and other assorted readers!

It is once again time for some blogging action. I feel it has been too soon since the last update to go over what everyone else is doing in the wide world of blogging. But there has been much talk of football. And I feel that I may be somewhat knowledgeable on this subject. So I'll put some info out there. Well the large birds seem to have lost their game last night. Also a certain blog has been rather pro-cat in her sport allegiance. But clearly one school is better then the others. I think we all know which school I refer to.

I have been watching some movies recently. Most notably I was watching 2001 the other night. I have to say it is a good movie. Now, some can find it a little dull, somewhat boring. I did the last time I tried to watch it. Several attempts all ended with me asleep before the monolith first showed up at the dawn of man. This movie is cool on many levels. First off it is very technically precise. Which is very cool to see. I realize that many young people have been skewed by today's movies which seem to be of a lower quality and more special effects. 2001 isn't clear cut for you. You have to think about it. Especially the end of the movie.

Also I have been motivated by the postcard quest of the Skip. Except my plan is a little more ambious. While the Skip hopes to recieve a post card from every state, I hope to visit all 50 states. At this point I have made it to about half. I'm not counting just being in an airport. Though for the purpose of this list driving through a state will be counted. So far I've hit:
West Virginia
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina
New Mexico
DC (so its not a real state, eh)

So due to outtages of internet it has taken forever for this post to actually be able to be posted. I hope that all of you take this into account while viewing it.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I was saying "Boo-urns"

So then... this is a short update. For those of you who are wondering these are my boots. I never have to polish them. Ever. Next step is get the ABU's and never iron them, or put patches on them... and oh yeah, I like never wear blues. Life is good.
Next up the boy's game. It is near the end. It is close. I'm thinking the boy didn't get to play, but he still dressed.
While we wait, let us hum a little hum... Hum dum dee dum, I'm soo rumbly in my tumbly, Time to munch an early luncheon! Hum dee dee dum. Oh, I wouldn't climb this tree, if a Pooh flew like a bee, but I wouldn't be a bear then, so I guess I wouldn't care then. Bears love honey and I'm a Pooh bear, so I do care, so I'll climb there.
Oh and today was wallyball...

And it would seem that Vtech lost this one in the last minute. Grumble.

Uh, no, they’re saying “Boo-urns, Boo-urns.”

Greetings Blog Fans!! It would seem there is much amazing developments in the wide wide world of blogs! It would seem that a certain Skip is doing her best to keep up with me in the blogging. But there was a full length post out of the Boy. Still nothing out of our third blogger. So there you have it.
Well then, today's big news is that I got boots. My old boots have taken a beating and so I got new ones. I now have AF sage green suede boots. As they are authorized for me to wear with my BDU's I shall not have to shine my boots again. Hooray for this development.
I think someone has some kind of problem with my blog titles. In case you haven't noticed most of them are Simpsons quotes. I like them and will continue on with them. So nuts to any of you who are against these.
This weekend is the Air Show. Hooray!! Plus the X-cup prize stuff will be going on. If you don't know what it is I will make you research it on your own. I will be working a bit, but should have some time to wander about and check stuff out. I like air planes.....
Anyhow, I must be taking care of stuff around the apartment. So I will have to return later.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Remember Alf? Hes back! In pog form!

It would seem that Skip is doing her best to come up with more posts this month then me. However she does keep linking to me, so that is good. But oh well. And while we're on the subject of Skip, congrats on posting video. Very nicely done.
So I have been doing much in the way of classes and such. Learning all about GPS. Also I've been doing random other stuffs and getting ready to go to Ohio for more classes. It would seem that is what I do now, training and class.
Well, it seems that no one knew that my little brother was dressing for the game. Just in case you are wondering, I think they play thursday evening. I'm not sure who they play, my guess is another football team.
I think that this will just be a sort blurb. I must clean up a bit and run some errands. But feel free to comment and let me know what you would like to know about being out here in the desert.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My eyes… the goggles, they do nothing!

So for some football news. Despite no one feeling the urge to tell me I have learned that the boy (see photo[the two legged one, don't be confused]) will be dressing again for the Vtech game this weekend. Look for #72.
On the subject of football, here is a handy quote guide to make watching the game more fun.

If I could just say a few words, I'd be a better public speaker

Well now,
It seems it is time to update. Skippy is creeping up on me in posts this month and all. And the boy, despite his photo-less, color change-less, movie-less posts seems to get more comments. Very odd. I however am working to bring forth an interesting blog, which I'm sure grips your attention time and time again. At this point I will not provide a link to Gracie's blog, mostly because it remains empty. If you have a blog and wish for a link to it, please leave a comment on my blog, or email me.
And I'm sure you will be very happy to know that I am all kinds of legal. I know have a license with this address on it. Plus I got my voter registration card in the mail. So I can once again vote and shape this nation. I'm sure all of you are quite proud. I would urge all of you of proper age to vote. Vote early and vote often (but only as often as legally allowed, do not think that I am encouraging voter fraud. Thats bad).
As for the weather, which I'm sure some of you are curious about. I woke up this morning and it was 37 degrees out. I think it got up to the 60's or 70's today, but inside my building was still cold. Also it is dry. Now a dew point temperature is how cold it must be to get water out of the atmosphere. The more water there is floating about the higher the temperature. This morning's dew point was 16 degrees. Its dry out here....
Finally for this post we'll discuss my job. It is quite fun and I have been enjoying it. I am posting this informative video so you may all gain an insight into what I do while protecting this country. I would like to point out that no one has invaded the nation while I've been protecting it.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

"There is soo much I don't know about quantum mechanics"

So I was out in Santa Fe yesterday. It was a nice trip. Went with services, however it was more time in a 15 passenger van. Also we managed to get lost a few times. We ended up driving out around in the desert for a while, then past the Santa Fe opera. Then we finally made it to the flea market. It was on Tesque Reservation and no cameras where allowed. Then we went into downtown Santa Fe, where cameras where allowed. So I have some pictures.

This is Santa Fe, atleast out in the old town area. There are a bunch of shops and such around the plaza area. Lots of arts/jewelery. I wandered around and picked up a few things. I'm sure that people will want to go up when they come out to visit. So I think I'll be going back.

This is actually the New Mexico museum of Art. But it looks very cool with the pueblo design and such. There are a bunch of buildings in Santa Fe which look like this, but I thought I'd put up this one picture so you could enjoy it.

This is Loretto Chapel. It is apparently somewhat famous, though I haven't researched alot of it yet. There was a wedding going on. Shortly after I took this picture the doors opened and the couple left the church, the theme from Star Wars was playing on the organ.

There was a mariachi band outside after the wedding. I thought I would take a picture and all. Lots of these around, there were some at the Fiesta in Alamogordo. Must have something to do with being close to Mexico.

There was something going on in the plaza. There were mines and mariachi bands and this monster thing. It was going up to people and messing with them. Overall it was quite a fun thing to watch.

Well, just as a side note the Santa Fe trail runs from St. Louis to Santa Fe. I think the route that I took to come out closely followed it, though I never went to Santa Fe, till now. I got a few things and such.
Also I sampled some more of the New Mexican cuisine. I had a fry bread taco with green chili sauce. I do like the green chili sauce, but I am not a fan of guacamole. I tried it again, still don't like it. I did have a margarita which worked well, it was good. Now I just need to figure out what a sopialla is.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Greetings! How goes it peoples? Any how, I thought that I would put up a few more pictures of the apartment, because I had heard I have only shown off my bathrooms. Well, at this point my bathrooms are the only part of the apartment that are actually completed. And I think my bathrooms look quite nice. Any how, onward we press.

This would be my bedroom, atleast for now. Well, it will be my bedroom, but soon I will get my stuff, and then I can set up my bed and such. But for now you can gaze upon my amazing air mattress!

Ahhh, my recliner. Yes, my recliner, its my apartment, my recliner, I get to sit in it! HAHAHAHA!!
Well, this is pretty much my living room. I know its a bit dark, but please see the next picture.

Oh look, the lights are on. Please notice I have a fan. Yes, my happy ceiling fan. Ok, so there isn't much in there yet.

Ahh, this is my kitchen. Yes, I realize that it is not as big as other kitchens. But I think it is bigger then my college kitchen, so I'm moving up in the world. Slowly but surely.

This would be the 2nd bedroom/office/storage or whatever else gets put in here. Please note my desk. It is the same desk that Stella, so at some point there will be 2 such desks in here. And perhaps a bed eventually.

Ok, so lets see, what else is happening. I evaded the burrito rustler today. I went to Taco John's and got a burrito! It was good. Also I've been stopping by mcdonald's a bit, but I have yet to win a million dollars. So if any of you have any of the little pieces and are not going to play the online game feel free to send them to me.
As far as work goes things are looking up. I've got email set up now, still no computer, but I have a phone. And I'm getting things in line. Looks like I'm going to Ohio for a class the end of the month for a while. Then in Jan I'll be out in Alabama. So I'll be there for my birthday, which kinda sucks, but oh well. Its better then them trying to send me in May. And I'm working on getting honeymoon stuff together.
I have been getting mail which is nice. Its good to finally have a place to live. There are mail and such going out. I am still working on getting stuff organized. But I do have recycle bins now. And I think I know where the recycle place is in town.
Oh, to add to my travels I shall be going to Santa Fe this weekend. So be on the look out for postcards and the like. Anyhow, I suppose that will be the end of the post for now. Look for more to come at some point. Oh, and just to be odd I played with the text colors for this post. In case you didn't notice.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Oh the huge manatee!!

Terrible, horrible news!!!!

My watch died. The watch I had through at least most of college if not high school died on me. The one that the band had disintegrated before. It is now gone. But I have a new one.

I'm Sorry, I was thinking about soup

Well here it is. A photo of my little brother dressed and on the field. He is number 72 there. Vtech did win that game, and by a bit too. Then again, it was Duke football, so its not all that amazing.

In other news I've been lazy this weekend, which I'm fine with. Tomorrow is back to work and PT. Tonight I think I'll be writing some letters and such. I've actually received mail here, so thank you for the letters. Also I'll finally get around to building that other bookcase. Then when I finally get a hold of TMO I can have bookshelves up to put books on, which might be a good thing. Though I need to find some media shelves.
And for anyone who is curious, yes, it is a dry heat. Its not as bad. But when its 90 out, it still feels kinda warm. However the temps are moving down into the low 80's and then the 70's so it will be alright.
I need to clean up my apartment and then do some laundry. I wonder where the laundry room is. Oh well, I'm sure I'll find it. And I'll post again later.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Ladies and gentlemen, Good News! My little brother (The one that is younger and actually a brother) will dress for the first time in the history of his football career at Vtech. In fact, I do build this is the first time he will dress for a game in all of recorded history, in case you were wondering. For those of you who are curious look here. Also check out the Vtech Duke game this saturday and cheer for #72.
In other news I have been going to work, which is nice. There are a bunch of new Lts so I am not the only new guy. I got an apartment, I have pictures in an earlier post. I've been doing a lot of work for inprocessing and getting ready for an inspection. Though I do get to see F-117s and T-38's fly about. Also I have seen some Q-4 drones and some Tornadoes.
Also on the subject of things I've seen. I have seen many a jackrabbit and even a tarnatula. But I have not seen any snakes, though apparently they live around where I work. For right now though I do believe its time to shower and then ponder dinner.

Monday, October 8, 2007

So this is a test. I'm pushing forth the limits of the blogging! Let me know if this works for anyone.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

And on a small note, Taco Bell has lied to me about gorditas. I had one last night at Fiesta and it was nothing like the Taco Bell one. Makes me somewhat curious to see the taco bell in town though....
So I moved into my apartment and I'm still settling things out. However I figured that it might be good to put up a few more pictures.

This is the outside of my apartment. I live on the lower level. Someone else lives above me.

Look! The desert, conveniently placed a sort bike ride from my home.

Also there are some mountains right here. Quite nice of them to put mountains here.

See, I told you, that traffic light is not vertical. You've been warned if you come to visit. I think for the time being though I am gonna shower and then find lunch.

Friday, October 5, 2007

So I got my new apartment! I moved some stuff in. I got a recliner and all. Its a nice place, 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. I am still working on getting the internet set up there. I'm sure that you are all very interested and so here are some photos. I know its a bit of a mess and kinda empty. I know they aren't great pictures, but I was heading out the door to get dinner with a friend and some other peoples so I could meet peoples around here.

The master bedroom

So I have 2 walk in closets...

The master bathroom

The second bathroom

The guestroom/office

Now tomorrow I must put together stuffs like bookcases and such. Then I might be able to go on a little bit of a hike. So hopefully I will hopefully have pictures of Alamogordo for tomorrow. Though I don't know when I'll get to post next. So be on the lookout.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

More Greetings from New Mexico. I thought you all might like to know some stuff about this state in which I now reside.

Population: 1,928,384
Land Area: 121,599 square miles which includes 234 square miles of inland water.
New Mexico is the 5th largest state
Highest Point: Wheeler Peak (13,161 feet)
Lowest point: Red Bluff reservoir (2,842 feet)
State Capital: Santa Fe
Statehood Day: Jan 6, 1912 (47th State in the Union)
State Grass: Blue Grama
State Flower: Yucca
State Tree: Pinon
State Bird: Roadrunner
State Fish: Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout
State Animal: Black Bear
State Insect: Tarantula Hawk Wasp
State Fossil: Coelphysis
State Vegetables: Chile and Frijoles
State Cookie: Bizcochito
State Gem: Turquoise
State Question: Red or Green (pertains to chile)
State Language: English and Spanish

More updates will come.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Well, things are moving along. I think I may have found somewhere to live. I've been acquiring some furniture that I didn't have before. I will still need to get my household goods delivered, though I'm not sure when that will happen. I was thinking about going up to see the Trinity site this weekend, but I'm thinking I might stay closer to home. I stumbled across what might be a nice little trail in the mountains. Plus I can take some pictures of Alamogordo and all.
I was in Texas today. El Paso is south and I went to visit target and best buy and the like. I got stuff at target. I needed bookcases. I don't like the ones that I've had for several years now. Though I think they are packed. This gives me the ability to use them for other stuff and use these new book cases for books. YAY! I'm also looking at a recliner and a desk.
Well, guess I will write more later, now is dinner time.