Saturday, November 24, 2007

Blah to ESPN

So hello all. It would seem that part way through the 3rd quarter I got switched from the WVU game to the georgia game. I ended up watching the end of it on the game cast thing online. It sucks that they just decide, well, you don't wanna see any more of this game. But we won, 66-21, take that uconn. We are the Big East Champs now. And we could end up in the national title game. That would really be sweet.

Well, I have been around the apartment most of the day. I did more unpacking and putting stuff away. I need to put up my shelves, but I feel lazy and think I'll look into doing it tomorrow. More and more boxes are disappearing and things look like it is a real home which is nice. Now, if my knee didn't hurt so much things would be much better. But it does hurt, so oh well.

I'm gonna have to make another recycle run. Oh joy! But it gets stuff out of here. Plus I've been going through my stuffs, mostly my t-shirts and all and it looks like I'll be making a run to goodwill as well. And I've decided to sell my 64. So I'm working on getting rid of stuffs. However I'm also acquiring stuff, like my Christmas tree. So I think its mostly just a trade off. I've been finding various stuffs in these boxes I haven't seen for a while, like my diploma and my blue and gold Santa hat. however I have yet to find my foremen grill. I think that it is in one box that has some glasses in it that is waiting until the shelf in the dinning room is up.

Someone should send Stella out here.


momk said...

WVU is currently #2. congrats. missed you on friday.

Saoirse Photo said...

you know i wish i was there!