Monday, November 12, 2007

To Start Press Any Key'. Where's the ANY key?

Good News! I made it back to Ohio with no problems. This is good. Now I can go to class tomorrow. I was able to visit the family and all which was good. But now I'm back in Ohio. But only for about a week more. Then its back to New Mexico. I will have a bit to do, then it shall be thanksgiving. And that means that I'll get to have time offs. Which will be nice. Mostly I'll probably be unpacking.
I would like to take this festive ocassion to wish a very merry Veteran's Day to all veterans who may be reading this. I realize that it is only Veteran's Day Observed, but still. Should you be reading this and you are not a Veteran, please disregard.
In the wonderful world of blogging... not much is going on. The Skip has been making a few posts, but due to her constraints she has not been posting so much. The Boy keeps up his normal pace. We have a new blogger though, my friend Ben.
So would it confuse people if I were to link to a different site for each letter of a word? I think that tonight I shall see about getting some reading done.

1 comment:

momk said...

glad you got back safe. hey what about us spouses of veterans. we can not claim to be a veteran but we go thur alot of the crap that you vets do. the only difference, and i will grant you it is a big one, is that they can not post me to some place half way across the world where people are shooting at me. but some times in the chaos of military life it almost seems like a good idea.