Saturday, February 9, 2008

A Battleship

Greetings merry blogfans! Fear not, I have not forgotten you. Here in this time of no blog updates and not even any blog comments, I boldly post such that anyone out there who still reads blogs to have something to read. And even pictures to look at.

So today I visited the USS Alabama. It is a battleship. I thought that I might share a few pictures with you. I realize that there are many of you that were wishing for stories of the elusive jackalope, but sadly, that will still have to wait for another day.

Battleship = big guns

See, there I am!

Once again, its me! You don't get to smile when shooting big guns.

What did I say about big guns?

Goodbye ship, I hope you have a good evening.


Skip said...

I think if you're manning a really big gun, you can pretty much make whatever face you want.

momk said...

a blog entry that you almost did not have to write in. you should share that with nick.