Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Vote Kodos!

The politics of failure have failed!! We need to make them work again!

We must go forward, not backward! Upward, not forward! And twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom

Any how, it would seem that the time to be sealed in the voting cubicle is drawing near. I look forward to an orderly election that will eliminate the need for a violent blood bath.

So just a few random questions to see if anyone reads this or knows how things work around here.

1. How old must you be to run for president?

2. How many electoral votes do you need?

3. How many electoral votes does your state get? (Please name the state you vote in)

4. Are you planning to vote for Kang? (Remember, he is running on a platform of enslaving all mankind)

Don't blame me! I voted for Kodos.

5. I really hope you get the reference....

1 comment:

Skip said...

1) 35
2) 270 or more
3) 13 for VA
4) nope.
5) actually I have a little card, like a business card, that says:"Don't blame me, I voted for Stevenson"