Friday, February 20, 2009


Oh my.. the oscars are coming!!! Run in fear!! Head for the hills!!!  Oh wait... thats for the space monsters, disregard.  In fact, lets start again.

Oh my... the oscars are coming!!  Now I know what you are all a buzz with, who will win?  What will people wear?

We'll start with the first question, who will win?  It doesn't really matter.  But we'll go over a few categories.  First off, Best Picture.  I don't really care.  Not only have I not seen any of the nominated movies, I have no desire to see them.  So there.  In fact, I haven't seen most of the movies that are nominated for things.  So we'll stick to the few that I have seen some or most of the movies that are up.  First up, animated feature film.  I haven't seen Bolt, but I think that it should go to Wall E.  Kung Fu Panda was good, but I think Wall E was better.  Sound editing, I don't know, I think perhaps Iron Man.  

Now then, moving on to question the second.  I will be wearing my pajamas, a WVU jersey and some sleep pants.  And other then what Stella is wearing, I don't really care.

Oh, and I'm going camping this weekend.  I suppose I oughta pack for that.


Serpen Phlox said...

Does the Oscar deserve our time and attention?

These are the facts:

momk said...

camping sounds better then oscars but you have to come home eventually.