Sunday, February 21, 2010


So I started on P90X last monday. I finished week 1, with today being my off day. It was a lot of work and I was sore most days from it, but hopefully its working. Part of the program is working on eating better as well. I didn't do so well this week, I ended up eating out a bit more than I should have, a friend was in town and we had a meeting that ran long on base and all. So I have to work on doing better on it this week. Also I am trying hard to get at least 7 hours of sleep. To get up at 5 to do P90X I am trying to go to sleep at 10. It is a bit tough some nights, but I have done a decent job of it this week.

Well...Yikes and Away...I'm off

Oh, if you haven't seen the photo blog in a while there are some pics up there.

1 comment:

Coach Anna Gray said...

congrats on starting p90x, it has changed my life. If you ever have any questions about it, I have completed 2 rounds of it. Keep pushing play. I look forward to following your journey.