Saturday, July 19, 2008

Movies and Books and such

Well, the upside is that on my trips out here I get to read a good deal. Since I've been popping out this way I've finished "How to Lose a Battle" and I've read both "Swine Not" and "Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy". Currently I'm nearing the end of "A Year in the Merde". So all in all I think that is more books knocked out then I've done in a while.

And movies, I must say that I've seen a lot of movies this summer. And I continue to rack them up and then see previews for others that I'd like to see. Now it would be nice to be home and get to see them with my group of peoples out there, but it hasn't really been happening that way. I must say that I have been very impressed by Iron Man and The Dark Knight. I think those have been my favorite movies so far this summer. There were plenty of others that were good and I enjoyed, but I think that those ended up being the best 2 I've seen so far.

1 comment:

momk said...

how about mama mia.